Who We Are
Habilitation, Rehabilitation, and Wellness Programs for Children and Adults

Points of Stillness was founded in 2010 by Nancy Lawton-Shirley, an occupational therapist who is internationally known for her expertise in sensory processing and energy work. We are located in beautiful Hudson, Wisconsin.
Points of Stillness offers collaborative and comprehensive models of treatment for adults and children through cutting edge and traditional techniques.
All services and techniques at Points of Stillness are from a holistic approach. Our clinicians are trained in many areas of expertise to provide treatment to best fit the needs of each individual client and their family. We specialize in short-term intensive programs that use an eclectic approach to a child's health and development.
In the healing process, there are moments in time where deep stillness and healing occur. Those moments hold a new sense of self and empowerment . . . a deep breath . . . a moment of contentment with one's self.
Our Mission
Points of Stillness provides specialty therapeutic programs integrating traditional and non-traditional modalities for health and healing for all ages. We are committed to empowering children and adults to reach their fullest potential by fostering their physical, emotional, and developmental well-being in a supportive and inclusive environment. Through cutting edge techniques and personalized care, we honor the unique human potential of each person we serve.
Our Vision
Points of Stillness is committed to the advancement and understanding of treatment modalities and therapeutic approaches with research and education. We build on caregiver’s understanding of their children and provide therapeutic treatment options to achieve health and well-being of children, their families, and our community. We aspire to continually advance our services, collaborate with healthcare professionals, and advocate for the holistic development of our clients.
Our Clinic